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Ampelopsis brevipedunculata - Porcelain Vine

  • Ampelopsis brevipedunculata is an attractive deciduous climber, originating from China. The large climber is known as an ornamental plant due to its striking fruits that consist of the colours blue, purple and pink with brown or black speckles. It is fast growing (can reach up to 20m), best trained over an arch or trellis. The Ampelopsis has three or occasionally five lobed heart-shaped leaves that can grow up to 15cm wide and often colour in the Autumn. During late Spring, early Summer you will find clusters of small, green flowers that are followed by fruit during the Autumn. The Porcelain Vine is hardy and tolerant to extreme cold weather of up to -25c. It prefers to be planted in a warm sheltered spot where it will receive full sun.

  • We have 5cm tall starter plants on offer - these are one year old plants which were a ft tall but naturally died back to its base buds during the first winter - they will grow 1m tall this year.

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