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Decaisnea fargesii - Blue Sausage Shrub

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  • The Blue Sausage Shrub features truly amazing, metallic blue, hanging fruits in autumn, together with yellowing composite leaves. The fruits pulp has a tropical taste, combining the flavour of a cucumber and a mango. A fast-growing unusual shrub with an exotic effect. Its main character is the large, handsome pinnate leaves which can reach 80cm x 40cm and its metallic blue, fleshy seed pods that hang on the "naked" plant after fall (until early Winter). These extraordinary fruits are unique in shape and have an ornamental value. In the Summer greeny-yellow flowers bloom and appear in hanging racemes. Decaisnea fargesii grows new shoots easily from the base and can be pruned as well, even trained to a wall if planted 50cm-1m from it. Very cold tolerant. Pest and disease resistant (in the UK and Europe).

  • Excellent quality, 10cm tall seedlings on offer.
  • The intended main use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption. We always recommend further research to learn the different ways in which the food source can be prepared and consumed.

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