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Edible Evergreen Conservatory Collection

  • We have carefully curated a collection of our edible evergreens for the conservatory which make perfect additions for those with smaller spaces to fill.

  • The Edible Evergreen Conservatory Collection contains one of each plant in either an 8cm or 9cm pot.

  • Eugenia uniflora - Surinam Cherry (10-12cm tall): Originates from South America's east coast and is often used as a hedge or screen. The Surinam Cherry produces beautifully sweet, edible fruits that hang from the tree like tiny, decorative lanterns. Small, delicate, white flowers bloom several times per year. Great as a pot or patio plant. Eugenia uniflora is only hardy to 0c, best to keep it in a conservatory during the colder months. 

  • Lophomyrtus obcordata - New Zealand Myrtle (Rohutu) (10-15cm tall):A densely branched, elegant, dwarf like shrub. It has decorative, green- yellow, purple foliage with tiny leaves all year round. During the Summer, 1cm wide myrtle like, fragrant, white flowers bloom. Later on in the year, Lophomyrtus obcordata produces edible black berries. Hardy to temperatures as low as -10C.

    Acmena smithii - Lilly Pilly (15-20cm tall): Possesses unusual fruit, sweet when ripe, plus evergreen, leathery, dark green foliage with a purple hint when young. Excellent pot plant, it is not fully hardy, so it needs to be overwintered frost free, but from late Spring, fragrant, white, pom-pom flowers appear, followed by the striking magenta-coloured fruits in the Autumn. 1-2m tall, not fussy to soil. The Lilly Pilly may work as a houseplant too.

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