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Myrcianthes mato or Eugenia mato - Guabiyu or Bolivian Cherry

  • This extremely rare Myrtle-relative is a tree in its native Argentina and Bolivia but it will just be a small shrub if grown in a pot, under cover in Winter in the UK (hardy to -5C). Among its simple, dark green leaves, myrtle-like, white flowers appear late Spring, followed by cherry sized, dark blue or maroon fruits with a sweet, honey coloured flesh and one seed. It grows best in semi-shade but it is quite drought tolerant. Slow growing but worth the wait!

  • We have one year old 7-10cm tall plants on offer.
  • The intended main use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption. We always recommend further research to learn the different ways in which the food source can be prepared and consumed.

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