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Ziziphus jujuba - Chinese Date (one year old, from seed)

  • Ziziphus jujuba is a slow growing, multi-stemmed fruit shrub/small tree from the Far-East. It has cherry-sized, edible fruits (taste between an apple and a pineapple) that mature from green to brown in the Autumn. The fruits can be eaten raw, cooked or in confectionary. Tiny yellow flowers develop in the spring. Drought tolerant, not fussy to soil conditions and is suitable for pot growing.

  • This listing is for a plant from seed from the wild species, one year old (unbranched), 8-10 tall (3 or so years to fruit). It is hardy to -30C and copes with all aspects of the British climate.
  • Please note that it looks dead in Winter - its side shoots naturally die back in November to the main stem which is hardened off with a top bud or side buds (only the roots and main stem is alive in Winter)! It will bud out from late March and will be lush green by May.
  • The intended main use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption. We always recommend further research to learn the different ways in which the food source can be prepared and consumed.


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