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Actinida chinensis - Smooth Yellow Kiwi

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  • Not to be confused with the fuzzy, hairy appearance of Actinidia deliciosa, this kiwi (native in China) has a smooth, brown skin, almost totally hairless with usually a yellow flesh colour  and a sweeter, more aromatic flavour. Still a dioecious plant, and unsexed from seed, best to order a couple or 3, to have a greater chance for both. It is hardy to -15C, we have never lost any of them in the nursery due to frost, even in the small pot. Fast growing from year two, the stem can easily reach a length of 5-6m, therefore a wire of wooden trellis, fence is needed to climb (it will climb by itself though). When young, keep it protected from cats as they like to chew even on the stem and root! (not as vulnerable to cats as the Actinidia arguta though).

  • All in all, it makes an excellent screen, the sap can be used as a glue and in a few years, it will start to flower if kept trained and not on the ground. It can also be used in a woodland garden to climb on old trees, but it fruits best if the top of the plant is in full sun, with some more moisture and shade around its base (a bit like a Clematis).

  • We have excellent quality, 6-8cm tall starter plants on offer. 

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