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Myrica rubra - Chinese Bayberry, Chinese Strawberry, Japanese Bayberry (SEEDLING PLANT)

  • Chinese Bayberry is another rarely offered fruit in Europe, Myrica rubra produces stone fruits with a berry-like edible portion comprising fleshy segments in rich red colours and appealing flavour. Evergreen shrub with beautiful, ornamental foliage. It prefers slightly acidic pH and temperatures above -5C - -7C, but is can be grown in  apot and overwintered frost free. A real delicacy and a very popular fruit in the Far-East. 
  • We have 2cm tall SEEDLING plants on offer in 7cm pots. These need further growing in its put until the Summer before re potting or planting out.
  • Pictures are from Flickr by (from 1st to last): coniferconifer, Yasuaki Kobayashi and harum.koh


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