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Bonsai Starter - Dwarf Tree Collection

  • We have carefully curated a collection of our dwarf trees which would be perfect as bonsai's. 

  • The Bonsai Starter Dwarf Tree Collection contains one of each plant in either an 8cm or 9cm pot.

  • Montpellier Maple - Acer monspessulanum (10-15cm tall): Also known as the Montpellier Maple is a small, deciduous, rounded tree. Its dark-green, three-lobed, glossy leaves have a fantastic autumn colour. In the spring, an abundance of green-yellow flowers appear in racemes which are followed by decorative red-winged fruits in the summer. A hardy tree and drought tolerant.

  • New Zealand Myrtle (Rohutu) - Lophomyrtus obcordata 10-12cm tall, branched: It is a densely branched, elegant, dwarf like shrub from Australia. It has decorative, green- yellow, purple foliage with tiny leaves all year round. During the Summer, 1cm wide myrtle like, fragrant, white flowers bloom. Later on in the year, Lophomyrtus obcordata produces edible black berries. Hardy to temperatures as low as -10C.

  • Yellow Kowhai - Sophora mycrophylla (8cm tall seedling) 5-10 cm: Sophora microphylla is an elegant evergreen shrub or small tree. It's lush, dark green foliage provides the perfect backdrop for its striking yellow, pea like flowers which cover the plant late Spring. Easy to grow and drought tolerant. The Yellow Kowhai can be kept in a pot on the patio. Fully hardy to the UK.

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