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Flowering Evergreen Myrtle Collection

  • We have carefully curated a collection of our flowering evergreen myrtles which will not only fill your garden with great visual interest but wonderful fragrances too. 

  • The Flowering Evergreen Myrtle Collection contains one of each plant in either an 8cm or 9cm pot.

  • Luma apiculata - Chilean Myrtle (15-20cm tall): An evergreen shrub that produces masses of pretty, pure white flowers in mid-summer, attracting the bees and butterflies. The flowers have a beautiful peach like scent and are the most extraordinary looking with long, curling stamens on the older flowers. The cinnamon branches are sculptural and contrast beautifully against its dark green leaves. Our Chilean Myrtle looks great planted in the ground, placed in the conservatory or it can make a stunning patio plant. 

  • Lophomyrtus obcordata - New Zealand Myrtle (Rohutu) (10-15cm tall): A densely branched, elegant, dwarf like shrub. It has decorative, green- yellow, purple foliage with tiny leaves all year round. During the Summer, 1cm wide myrtle like, fragrant, white flowers bloom. Later on in the year, Lophomyrtus obcordata produces edible black berries. Hardy to temperatures as low as -10C.

  • Myrceugenia chrysocarpa - Luma Blanca (5cm tall): Description coming soon!

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