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Toona sinensis - Onion Tree, Chinese Cedar, Chinese Mahogany

  • Toona sinensis is an architectural, deciduous fruit tree with large (2ft long), dissected leaves and equally large, white inflorescences. Its fruit and leaves are edible and are often used in teas. The leaves are known to have an onion-like taste and are cooked in salads and stir fry’s or can be pickled or fried. The Chinese Cedar is known to be a highly valued food in China and is rich in vitamin A. It flowers in July.

  • We have excellent quality, 10-15 cm tall starter plants on offer, these are best kept in their pot until next Spring.
  • The intended main use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption. We always recommend further research to learn the different ways in which the food source can be prepared and consumed.

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