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Sorbus domestica - True Service Tree, Sorb Tree

  • Sorbus domestica is a small to medium sized fruit tree producing golf ball sized, pear shaped, tasty, edible fruits that mature to an orange-red, with a 'tropical' flavour. The fruits can be eaten straight from the tree or can be used to make jams, jellies and smoothies. Its soft, velvety, pinnately composed leaves plus lovely, orange Autumn coloration makes it a very versatile plant and suits almost every garden. The main species is native, although very rare in Britain. This plant is well underrated and is easy to grow, it can even be kept in a smaller garden or on the patio. (Please note that the Wild Service Tree, sometimes also called "Service Tree" = Sorbus torminalis has much smaller fruits.)

  • We have excellent quality, 8-10cm tall, one year old plants on offer.

  • The intended main use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption. We always recommend further research to learn the different ways in which the food source can be prepared and consumed.

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