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Campsis radicans - Red Trumpet Vine

  • Campsis radicans is a deciduous, fast growing species growing up to 10m in height. In the late Summer, early Autumn the climber creates a stunning display of brilliant orange and red trumpet shaped flowers that are in beautiful clusters at the branches ends. The tropical looking flowers can reach up to 8cm in length. It is native to South East USA. The pointed tipped leaves have 9-11 leaflets that are a glossy dark-green during late Spring, early Summer and turn yellow in the Autumn. The showy creeper is known to be best suited for covering walls or fences and to be placed in a position where it will receive full sunlight. The Red Trumpet Vine is frost hardy, tolerant up to -15c as well as being drought tolerant.

  • We have excellent quality, 8-10cm tall starter plants on offer.

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