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Hoheria populnea - Otago Ribbonwood, New Zealand Mallow, Lacebark

  • In full Hoheria populnea is an upright, compact deciduous tree with decorative, shiny, dark green foliage - native to New Zealand. From July to August particularly eye catching, masses of white flowers contrast greatly against its dark green, wide, almost triangle-like glossy leaves. bloom it makes a beautiful statement piece in your garden (its flowers are slightly larger than the H angustifolia and H sexstylosa). It is hardy, with standing temperatures as low as -10 and maritime exposure. It tolerates any moist soil type, even extremely acidic and alkaline with a good drainage. For its optimum growth, it is best to position the plant in full sunshine or semi-shade.

  • We have excellent quality, 40-60cm tall starter plants on offer. 

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