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Parrotia persica - Persian Ironwood

  • Parrotia persica is an unusual tree with stunning autumn colouration. The Persian Ironwood is ideal for small gardens in a pot on the patio, as a bonsai or can be trained to a wall (they usually reach no more than 3-4m in ten years). Flowers appear on bare stems before spring growth. The beauty of its rich autumn leaf colour (can be yellow as well as orange-purple) and attractive bark is simply unrivalled. Its autumn coloration is one of the latest, it starts in late October and lasts well for a month, often till the first snow. This is a short-trunked tree, with bark resembling that of a London Plane. The older, darker bark exfoliates to reveal attractive pink, cinnamon, and yellow patches. New growth is reddish purple, mature leaves are large, simple and with serrated margins.

  • We have excellent quality, 20-30cm tall starter plants on offer.

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