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Juglans regia - English Walnut Tree

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  • Juglans regia is from the well known edible walnut species, native to the Middle East. Their hard wood is very valuable and attractive. With it being naturally strong and durable it is used by craftsmen for high-end furniture around the world. Its nuts are relatively easy to break and the seed is very tasty. The English Walnut Tree is not too fussy to soil conditions and has good drought and cold tolerance. The older trees develop more of a decorative display. It offers a yellow Autumn coloration that is highly contrasted against its fissured, dark bark. The large leaves have a special, strong scent.

  • We have excellent quality, 10-15cm tall, 1 year old starter plants on offer.

  • The intended main use of this plant is to grow food for human consumption. We always recommend further research to learn the different ways in which the food source can be prepared and consumed.

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